Requirements for skydivers


Standard requirements

Apply to all skydivers at Aerograd Kolomna:

  1. your skydiving record book;
  2. your skydiving accident insurance with at least RUB 300,000 coverage or flight medical board (VLK)/flight medical expert board (VLEK) clearance;
  3. parachute passport with a reserve packing note.

Requirements for AFF students

Amateur skydivers enrolled in an AFF course must provide:

  • an ID
  • a health certificate in compliance with the applicable legislation required for obtaining a driver license, weapon registration, or a medical exercises dispensary certificate.

The said documents (except the ID) can be replaced with a one-year VLK clearance or two-year VLEK clearance.

If you need to have a checkup of your system or repack your reserve, you can do it at the drop zone. Take your ID — your skydiving record book with your picture, driver license, passport, and staff pass, or any license/registration with a picture.

Dear friends, please, read the following new requirements for parachute systems at Aerograd Kolomna pursuant to instructions by the director of the DOSAAF Aviation Department of 29.10.2012:

«Skydivers with less than 200 jumps shall be cleared for skydives only with parachute systems equipped with the Transit opening link. The only objective of the new requirement is to enhance safety among beginner skydivers.»

An additional requirement is for ground instructors to make sure the skydive objective and the used canopy correspond to the skydiver’s skill level.

If you are new to our drop zone you may need to make a test jump with our instructor. A test jump is mandatory for everyone with less than 100 jumps or no experience of 4,000m jumps.