Club Cards and entry requirements
A club system is in effect at Aerograd Kolomna Aviation and Skydiving Club.
Each card has two accounts associated with it – one is intended for jumps (serviced at the manifest office), and the second one is intended for the restaurant (serviced at the restaurant’s cash register).
Each of the accounts may be topped up in order to pay for jumps or for the restaurant services, respectively.
Instructions for the use of Aerograd club cards
- Each card has two accounts associated with it – one is intended for jumps (serviced at the manifest office), and the second one is intended for the restaurant (serviced at the restaurant’s cash register).
- Each of the accounts may be topped up in order to pay for jumps or for the restaurant services, respectively. The manifest’s and restaurant’s staff will help you transfer the funds deposited in one account to another one if needed. In order to do that, please visit the manifest or address a restaurant’s manager.
- You may print out a report on all changes at the restaurant’s cash register (for the restaurant account) and at the manifest (for the jump account).
- Club card accounts are not intended for depositing large amounts. Please plan your expenses in advance.
- Transfer of funds to other cards and to other persons, except for the holder, is not provided for.
- Funds shall be debited from the card account to the extent they are actually spent for jumps or restaurant services in accordance with the rates and package discounts valid at the date of rendering the service. Under Package offers, money shall be debited in accordance with the approved rules for the use of jump packages.
- Return of funds is only possible if the amount you would like to withdraw was deposited to the account on the same day. Return or funds deposited to the account on the next day or later is possible only subject to a written order at least 3 banking days in advance. The application may be filed at the Manifest or sent at Having sent the e-mail, please wait for a written reply confirming that your application was accepted. You may receive the funds in the Manifest’s ticket office during the Aerograd’s open hours, having provided an identity document and your club card. Please call +7(495)790-15-11 for information about the work schedule daily from 9.00 AM to 18.00 PM.
A club card is your official document in the territory of the Korobcheevo Airfield. At the entrance to Aerograd a security officer will ask you to present your club card. You will also need it to enter the parking area.
Professional skydivers, AFF and flying school students may obtain a club card.
The aero club entry requirements
Dear guests!
Please note that the airfield is a high-risk site. Since the Aerograd Kolomna Aero Club’s facilities are located in the territory of the airfield, the entry to the complex is subject to the following requirements:
To enter the club’s territory, you have to present an identity document:
- Passport
- Driver’s license
- Officer’s ID card
- Military ID
- For club members and their families, a club card
- Children under 16 should be accompanied by their parents or guardians
- Club card (for club members and their families)
Upon the entry to the club’s territory in a personal or company motor vehicle please state the aim of your visit and present an identity document (mentioned above) at the request of a security officer who will tell you where to go further.
Guests who do not have club cards shall use the services of the restaurant or the hotel complex according to the rules stated above. If you do not own a club card, please book tables in the restaurant or rooms in the hotel in advance, stating the date and time of your visit and the number of guests, to make you visit more comfortable. To book a table in the restaurant or a room in the hotel complex, please call +7 (495) 790-15-11, +7 (495) 972-73-80, +7 (499) 400-37-56, +7 (496) 617-68-66.
The members of the club and their families have free access to all the facilities.
The Club’s Administration maintains the right to deny the provision of services without stating the reasons. In this case you will have to leave the territory of the complex.